The following Unity Project is a virtual gallery Space That is Nearing Completion. I am developing this to showcase Geographical Works from the Middle EastErn and Ottoman World as part of Stanford Cesta's "Mapping Geographical Knowledge in the Modern Middle East" Project.
Main Images and Video Walkthroughs

Here is a video Showcasing a Run Through of the Current Exhibit Space. Users would be able to Walk through the space and Observe the Maps and Manuscripts as if they were walking through the museums themselves.
Here is a video of the CISTERN Virtual Database Space. In the near Future, I will place a virtual User Interface for Users to Interact with the Ottoman Works as well as connections to other rooms for specific exhibits that Contributors can Add to.
Hallway Spaces

Research Database Center
Exhibit Hall Entrance

In order to create tokens for the user to collect as they visit the exhibits, we must make the token visible and eye-catching. One way to do this is by rotating the token, as shown.

To keep track of the number of checkpoints visited, we can put colliders on the tokens so that when the user enters the collider space of that token, it triggers an update of the checkpoint counter, as follows.

And we can display the number of checkpoints visited as follows.

Finally, because we are now in a virtual gallery, we can do things that we may not be able to do in a real life gallery. One of those things is teleporting from one room or location to another. The following is some code that deals with teleporting when the user steps on a platform.

Further Steps
Further steps include finishing up the furnishings of the gallery space (including any remaining manuscripts and maps), adding the User Interface and contributor rooms for the research database room part of the space, and adding more teleportation transitions throughout the space.
A Note From Umar
I avoid simply placing my computer science projects on GitHub. I personally believe that GitHub doesn't do as well of a job as showcasing the process of constructing a computer science project as a portfolio would. Therefore, I aim to display all my personal and internship projects on this site, showing not only my code but also my thought process in constructing the program.